Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The impact of violent video games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The impact of violent video games - Essay Example Players compete on a higher level and physically and emotionally than people do when reading literature. I think that video games and literature differ a lot. The difference arises once a consideration that encompasses all the attributes of the video games against those of the contents in literature. There is valid evidence that supports the logic that participating in film sports differs from the experience of reading a book, listening to radio broadcast or viewing a typical movie (Atwaan). The statements imply that there may be differences between players who play the same game. Just as literature, the more active acknowledged positive impact of video games is that they help children to improve their manual diversity and computer literacy. Violent acts include unclear but commonly examples of murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Besides, accidents that might result to death of a person and torture are part of the violence. Literature has different impacts to a person. The influence is mostly influential to individuals below the age of eighteen whereby video or graphic violence. They arouse strong emotions that range from excitement and titillation to even terror. The fact also depends on the mindset of the viewer and the method that contains its presentation. Unlike literature, video games are presented in adult action genre and is expected to evoke excite feelings of the targeted demographic without inducing disgust or revulsion. I think the comparison between literature and video games differ and do not have the same impacts on an individual who uses them. In addition, video games that have been a source of controversy of violence tend to be interactive and not passive when compared to research. This clearly indicates how video games and literature differ Video games violence differ in many ways , it has impacted different emotions on children and the viewer of the same they can lead to alienation , psychiatric diodes ,suicide risk,

Monday, October 28, 2019

General Trends of English Politics Before The Viking Invasions Essay Example for Free

General Trends of English Politics Before The Viking Invasions Essay Do you detect any general trend or trends in the pattern of English politics before the Viking invasions? Although there were sporadic Viking attacks on the coasts of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms from 793 onwards, the Viking invasions, when large forces started to appear for sustained campaigns, should probably be seen as beginning in 865, when a heathen army encamped on Thanet.1 Before this time, we see a trend in English politics of increasingly extensive overlordship of some kings over others. There is debate about the extent of these overlordships, but it seems reasonable to suggest that certain kings at certain times were able to dominate other kingdoms, and also that there was some increase in the area a king might aspire to control. However, there is more argument about what this trend might mean, and particularly whether it can be seen as part of an inexorable progression towards the unification of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the ninth and tenth centuries. I shall argue that the pattern tended to a limit, and that there is no reason to see unification as its inevitable result, for three main reasons. Firstly, we see another trend that, as kingdoms grew both in size and strength, it became harder to convert overlordship into amalgamation, although this is seen in some cases. Secondly, I shall contend that the overlordship seen was based upon opportunism, with little or no institutional continuity between different overlords. Thirdly, the nature of Anglo-Saxon politics was such that no kingdom before the Viking invasions could sustain its ascendancy sufficiently for the trends to represent long-term moves towards unification. The best way to explain the eventual unification is not as a result of long-term trends, but as West Saxon opportunism at a time when the other kingdoms were weak, buttressed by a latent sense of united ecclesiastical identity, which the Viking threat brought to the surface. The main trend that we see in the pre-Viking Anglo-Saxon kingdoms is the growth of overlordship, whereby one political unit, while retaining a degree of separate identity, and quite possibly its own ruler, was dominated by another. Bede uses a variety of terms to refer to different rulers, including rex, princeps and subregulus. The impression that one gets from this is a complex patchwork of kings, with some subordinate to others: Dumville and Campbell both justifiably point out that the terminological variety suggests that there was no universal pattern, but a web of dependent relationships; this is similar to the situation in Ireland at the same time. It is likely that such relationships go back to the beginning of the Anglo-Saxon period; Kirby points out that this would hardly be surprising, since Tacitus describes similar hierarchies in Germany. However, we do see overlordship being exercised over increasingly large areas: the traditional starting point here is Bedes list of sev en kings who ruled over all the southern kingdoms. 2 The evidence does generally support the view that these kings exercised considerable power over large parts of England. Keynes asserts that it is inconceivable that Aelle of Sussex and Ceawlin of Wessex, the first two rulers, could have wide ranging power. We know little about them, but the Chronicle entries do suggest that they were significant and had successes, particularly against the Britons.3 Furthermore, Myres studies of the distribution of pottery fragments suggest that both rulers exercised some authority in the Midlands and East Anglia, since pottery finds match those in their native kingdoms. The evidence is not sufficient to suggest that they had control as far north as the Humber, but we would be unwise to dismiss the idea that these kings had some form of overlordship over much of southern England. Furthermore, Keynes is sceptical about Aethelbert of Kents power, suggesting that Bedes reiteration of the claim that he was king of all the land south of the Humber4 shows that this was dubious, requiring repetition to convince readers. However, the papal appeal that Aethelbert should spread the Word to his subjects suggests that he had considerable power, as Higham argues, even if he was not literally king of the English, the style accorded to him by the appeal.5 It is less easy to rebut Keynes diminution of Raedwald of East Anglia, since we know very little about him. If we could be more certain that the person buried at Sutton Hoo is indeed Raedwald (as many historians posit), we could assume that he was a very rich and powerful king; however, Keynes does not give us any positive reason to doubt Bedes claim regarding Raedwalds wide overlordship. Although Keynes asserts that Bede makes inflated claims about the scope of the influence of Edwin, Oswald and Oswiu of Northumbria, there is no strong evidence to support this: Bedes account is internally consistent, giving examples of these kings intervening in the Mevanian Islands (Angelsey and Man),6 Wessex,7 East Anglia,8 and Mercia9 at various times. These interventions could be entirely military (as is implied for the islands) or could involve peaceful shows of power, such as Oswalds participation in the baptism of Cynigils of Wessex. It seems reasonable to conclude that these kings did exert influence across large parts of Southumbria and it appears that the areas they could control increased; Keynes attempt to deny extensive overlordship in this period to strengthen his (already strong) case against a formal Bretwaldic institution is not particularly convincing. Furthermore, overlordship did not end with Oswiu: indeed, the later Mercian kings were possibly even more successful in securing practical overlordship across much of Southumbria. Bede acknowledges that the southern kingdoms were subject to Aethelbald at the time he was writing,10 supporting Dumvilles conclusion that the omission of the Mercian kings from the earlier list was prompted by concern to curtail the digression from Aethelberts death, rather than Northumbrian bias. There is evidence of Mercian hegemony in the south before Aethelbald: Bede explicitly states that the South Saxons were subject to Wulfhere11 and Eddius refers to Wulfheres ability to draw forces from all the southern kingdoms.12 Furthermore, charters give us evidence that Mercian kings were overlords in Southumbria: in the Ismere Diploma, Aethelbald is styled king not only of the Mercians but also of all provinces which are called by the general name South English';13 Offa could confirm a land grant by an ealdorman of the South Saxons;14 Offa was apparently the most beloved lord of the Hwicce;15 Offa was in a position to revoke a grant of land by the King Egbert of Kent;16 Wiglaf could grant land in Worcestershire;17 and Brihtwulf could do the same in Berkshire.18 This charter evidence is very important: it demonstrates that the kings of Mercia in this period claimed authority over other southern kingdoms and also implies that this authority could have practical manifestations, such as the right to grant land or at least to confirm grants made by their underkings. The extent of their authority seems to decline after Offa, but the principle of overlordship, in a more limited sense, continued. One of the most debated possible indicators of widespread Mercian overlordship is the document known as the Tribal Hidage. The difficulties and ambiguities of this text are such that the charter evidence cited is a far stronger sign of extensive Mercian overlordship, but there is a significant possibility that the Tribal Hidage is a Mercian tribute list, estimating the tribute that the Mercian kings hoped to collect from southern kingdoms. Highams bold self-confidence in dismissing a Mercian origin is unwise, in that such levels of certainty are wholly inappropriate in this context: all we can do is suggest hypotheses, while accepting that other hypotheses may be valid. As Featherstone and Sawyer point out, the methodical arrangement, with the kingdoms being arranged in an approximately clockwise order around Mercia, hints at a Mercian origin. The inclusion of a figure for Mercia, which Higham sees as evidence that the document is a Northumbrian tribute list, might be an assessment of internal food renders, Featherstone suggests. The preservation and copying of the Tribal Hidage imply that there was some practical purpose in estimating the hidation of Southumbria: it is still possible to accept tentatively the claims of Davies and Vierck that the Tribal Hidage is an indicator of widespread Mercian overlordship. There is some agreement that Egbert of Wessex, whom the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle appends to Bedes list of overlords and styles Bretwalda (Manuscript A ruler of Britain) or Brytenwalda (other Manuscripts wide ruler), was overlord of extensive territories. Keynes accepts the Chronicles claim that Egbert conquered the kingdom of the Mercians, and everything south of the Humber;19 this statement must cast doubt upon Stentons assertion that the extent of Egberts overlordship was not comparable to Offas. Nevertheless, Keynes claim that Egbert was the first, not the eighth, wide ruler is dubious: the evidence very strongly suggests that overlordship had been an aspect of Anglo-Saxon politics for centuries. However, the territories being brought under a single overlord were tending to increase in scale: the archaeological record suggests that the early great kings, like Aelle and Ceawlin, could aspire to rule much of the land south of the Humber, but nothing like as much as the later Mercians and Egbert. This trend was not relentless: in the period between Offa and Egbert, there is little evidence of comprehensive overlordship on the scale of either of these rulers. Although we observe this trend towards the formation of more extensive overlordships, we should not conclude, as Stenton and John do, that this trend could be extrapolated to encompass the unification of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. In the first place, it seems to have been increasingly difficult to convert overlordship into the actual amalgamation of kingdoms. Initially, with small kingdoms, it may not have been unduly difficult to effect such assimilation: Yorke points out that East Kent seems to have consumed West Kent sometime during the sixth century. Indeed, much amalgamation probably occurred in the sixth century, before the various kingdoms that we see emerged. Furthermore, it was often possible for a larger kingdom to digest a smaller one: this is seen in the cases of Deira (eventually subsumed into Bernicia after 651) and the Hwicce (gradually divested of independence by Mercia in the eighth century). However, integration was not always smooth: despite being united under Aethelfrith and Edwin, Deira was ruled separately under Oswine from 642 until 651. In the latter part of the pre-Viking period, it would have been very difficult for one of the greater kingdoms to consume another permanently: this is suggested by the fact that, despite their struggles and periods of subjection to one another, Northumbria, East Anglia, Mercia and Wessex all survived until the Viking onslaught. An illustration of this difficulty is the case of Mercia: Oswiu of Northumbria was only able to rule Mercia directly for three years after his victory in 655; he was driven out by the Mercian ealdormen in 658. Similarly, Egberts domination of Mercia was not secure: he was recognised as king by the Mercians in 829 but Wiglaf was restored in 830. Indeed, it would seem that political union was most successful when it was pursued gently: unlike Offas aggressive attempts to dominate Kent from 764 until 785, Wessexs absorption of Kent and Sussex was done with sensitivity to the local nobles; this did, however, mean that the sense of union was perhaps not cemented, as is suggested by Aethelwulfs proposed division of Greater Wessex, with Aethelbert succeeding in the East and his other sons taking Wessex itself in turn. However, unification in the ninth and tenth centuries can be explained in that the situation after the coming of the Vikings was different, since Mercia, East Anglia and Northumbria were seriously weakened by the attacks, aiding Wessexs expansion. Moreover, the overlordship that we see was probably highly opportunistic, without institutional underpinnings. Yorke is probably right that the principal motivation for overlordship was the collection of tribute: Bede mentions tribute in connection with overlordship20 and Eddius says that Wulfheres purpose in attacking Northumbria was to gain tribute.21 Furthermore, the Mercians could presumably have conquered a tribe like the Hicca (assessed at a mere 300 hides in the Tribal Hidage), had they wished to do so; that such tribes existed as notionally independent entities suggests that, if the Tribal Hidage is a Mercian tribute list, the Mercians were content with tribute rather than political union. However, John argues that there was some kind of institutional framework and that overlordship was being gradually translated into unification. Key to this argument is the adoption of formal titles by kings: John contends that the ideal of a united Britain was a real one in kings minds, citing the use of various titles. The most famous of these is Bretwalda or, as John prefers, Brytenwalda, which appear in different versions of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle;22 I shall not become drawn into an argument about which style is the original, because the ambiguity and confusion is sufficient of itself, as Wormald argues, to cast doubt upon the existence of such an institution in reality. Clearly, whoever was copying the manuscripts was not familiar with the term, which suggests that it was a literary construct devised retrospectively to describe Egbert; its frequent application to kings like Aelle and Raedwald is therefore probably anachronistic and Kirbys vision of kings striving to become Bretwalda23 is most likely to be fanciful. John also argues that other titles imply the existence of some kind of abstract concept of overlordship separate from the individual kings who happened to be overlords. For example, he highlights that Adomnan says that Oswald was ordained by God as emperor of all of Britain24 and that Boniface refers to Aethelbald wielding the glorious sceptre of imperial rule over the English.25 This evidence, combined with the point about Bretwaldas, is a rather thin basis for a case: it is quite possible that the titles were simply being used for flattery; the fact that Boniface calls Aethelbald king of the Mercians in his letter asking Herefrith to deliver the previous communication suggests that the imperial title used in the letter to Aethelbald was unofficial.26 Moreover, Offa is also generally styled king of the Mercians,27 as is Cenwulf.28 In their charters, they tend to claim to be kings of various kingdoms, rather than stressing titles of institutional overlordship. If there was no institution of overlordship, each de facto overlordship would have to start afresh in trying to create cohesion: the trend of increasingly extensive overlordship was not therefore destined to result in the formation of England, since there was often little continuity between the different overlords. The sense of common identity that began to emerge by the later ninth century (Alfred could speak of Angelkynn and Englisc) probably had far more to do with religious unity in the face of the pagan Viking threat. As Wormald argues, the Church, rather than the so-called Bretwaldas, was the institution that provided a common reference point for the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, by stressing that the Gens Anglorum was a chosen people, selected to receive the Word. Given that there were most probably no institutions to produce continuity in overlordship, momentum towards unification could only be maintained as long as a particular kingdom was in the ascendant; however, the nature of Anglo-Saxon politics in this period was such that success tended to be transient. We see this is Northumbria, whose hegemony collapsed very quickly after defeats at the Battle of the Trent (679) and Nechtansmere (685). Likewise, Mercian hegemony seems to have declined gradually after Offa. There was, to a significant extent, a natural instability in the pattern of politics: kings required land to grant to warriors (to secure their support), which required the conquest of land, which required more warriors; this pattern was clearly unsustainable in the longer term. The importance of giving gifts to warriors is seen in Beowulf, where Hrothgar says that he will dispense / his God-given goods to young and old;29 Bede shows that such gifts were necessary in the real world, expressing concern that excessive endowment of secularised monasteries had left Northumbria with insufficient land to grant to warriors. 30 There is evidence to suggest that warriors would desert their lord, if he ceased to provide them with treasure and land: Aldhelm expresses disapproval of those who do this in his letter to the clergy of Bishop Wilfrid.31 Probably, the importance of conquering new lands explains why the initiative shifted away from the south-east to Northumbria, Mercia and Wessex: these kingdoms could, at least for a while, conquer land from Britons, in a way that kingdoms like Kent could not. A notable feature of both Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon politics is that kingdoms tended to come to grief sooner or later; success was rarely lasting. Another source of instability was internal dynastic politics: there seem to have been frequent civil wars. This is hardly surprising given that, according to Dumville, any aetheling could claim the throne through descent in the male line from the founder of the kingdom: the multiplicity of aethelings32 would not infrequently compete for the kingship. The Historia Regum attributed to Simeon of Durham demonstrates that four different dynasties competed for the Northumbrian throne between 759 and 796, with murders, exiles and (probably forced) tonsures being common.33 Similarly, there is evidence of the threat of dynastic instability in Mercia, in that Offa decided to eliminate his son Cenwulfs potential competitors; Alcuin attributes conflict in Cenwulfs reign to this policy and says that this was not the strengthening of his kingdom, but its ruin. 34 Given that there were such internal problems, it is hardly surprising that kingdoms could lose overlordship quickly, as dynastic politics came to predominate. The importance of dynastic stability is seen in the eventual rise of Wessex: Egberts successes against Mercia came when the latter was probably engaged in dynastic wrangles; Campbell suspects that neither Ludeca (825-7) nor Wiglaf (827-40) were related to their predecessors. On the other hand, the West Saxon succession was more stable, as Dumville points out: this is seen in the succession in turn of Aethelwulfs sons, even if it did not conform entirely to Aethelwulfs intentions. However, dynastic tension was generally a feature of the pre-Viking period: this contributed to the rapid rise and fall of kingdoms, meaning that overlordship could not consolidate into unification. We do therefore see a trend towards greater overlordships in this period, though it must be noted that this trend was gradual and not entirely linear. Nevertheless, it is clear that certain kings were able to exert influence over far larger areas just before the Viking invasions than others could at the beginning of the Anglo-Saxon period. However, it would be unwise to extrapolate this trend and interpret it as some kind of progression towards the eventual unification of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms under the West Saxons. It became harder to translate overlordship into political amalgamation as kingdoms grew, and overlordship was not itself stable, given the internal vicissitudes of kingdoms. We see that, before the later ninth and tenth centuries, no kingdom could sustain overlordship for long and, in the absence of recognised institutions of overlordship, this meant that whatever progress might conceivably have been made towards unification under one overlord was lost when his kingdoms power waned. The rise of Wessex was predicated upon factors that mostly could not have been foreseen: it was able to take advantage of the weakness of the other English kingdoms in the wake of the Viking attacks and could exploit the latent sense of religious unity, which was probably made stronger by the common, external, pagan threat. Bassetts extended metaphor of a knockout football competition, which inevitably produces a single winner, is not particularly apposite; while we might nowadays modify Kembles nineteenth century allusions (he described overlordship as a mere fluctuating superiority such as we may find in Hawaii, Tahiti or New Zealand, due to success in war and lost in turn by defeat35), his basic conclusion, that the overlordships that we see in the pre-Viking Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were not leading inexorably towards unification, still seems entirely reasonable. Bibliography Sources: Adomnan, Life of Columba, ed. and trans. R. Sharpe (1995) Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, in English Historical Documents, i, 1, ed. and trans. D. Whitelock (1955) Beowulf, trans. S. Heaney (1999) Bede, Ecclesiastical History, ed. and trans. B. Colgrave and R.A.B. Mynors (1969) Bede, Letter to Egbert, in English Historical Documents, i, 170, ed. and trans. D. Whitelock (1955) Eddius, Life of St Wilfred, in English Historical Documents, i, 154, ed. and trans. D. Whitelock (1955) Simeon of Durham, Historia Regum, in English Historical Documents, i, 3, ed. and trans. D. Whitelock (1955) Charters: in English Historical Documents, i, 54, 66-7, 76-7, 79-80, 85-7 Letters: in English Historical Documents, i, 165-6, 177-9, 191-3, 195, 197-200, 202, 204-5, 208-10, ed. and trans. D. Whitelock (1955) Secondary works: S. Bassett (ed.), The Origins of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms (1989) M.P. Brown and C.A. Farr (eds.), Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon Kingdom in Europe (2001) J. Campbell, Bedes Reges and Principes (Jarrow Lecture 1979), in J. Campbell, Essays in Anglo-Saxon History (1986) J. Campbell (ed.), The Anglo-Saxons (1982) J. Campbell, The Impact of the Sutton Hoo Discovery on the Study of Anglo-Saxon History, in J. Campbell, The Anglo-Saxon State (2000) W. Davies and H. Vierck, The Contexts of the Tribal Hidage: Social Aggregates and Settlement Patterns, in Frà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½hmittelalterliche Studien 8 (1974) D.N. Dumville, The Aetheling: a study in Anglo-Saxon Constitutional History, in Anglo-Saxon England 8 (1979) D.N. Dumville, The Terminology of Overkingship in Early Anglo-Saxon England, in The Anglo-Saxons from the Migration Period to the Eighth Century: An Ethnographic Perspective, ed. J. Hines (1997) N.J. Higham, An English Empire: Bede and the early Anglo-Saxon kings (1995) D. Hill, Offas Dyke: Pattern and Purpose, in Antiquaries Journal 80 (2000) E. John, Orbis Britanniae and the Anglo-Saxon Kings, in E. John, Orbis Britanniae (1966) J.M. Kemble, The Saxons in England, ed. and revised W. De G. Birch (1876) S. Keynes, Raedwald the Bretwalda, in Voyage to the Other World: the Legacy of Sutton Hoo, ed. C.B. Kendall and P.S. Wells (1992) S. Keynes, England 700-900, in The New Cambridge Medieval History II, c.700-c.900, ed. R. McKitterick (1995) D.P. Kirby, The Making of Early England (1967) D.P. Kirby, The Earliest English Kings (1991) J.N.L. Myres, Anglo-Saxon Pottery and the Settlement of England (1969) P.H. Sawyer, From Roman Britain to Norman England (1998) F.M. Stenton, The Supremacy of the Mercian Kings (1918), in F.M. Stenton, Preparatory to Anglo-Saxon England (1970) F.M. Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England (1971) A. Williams, Kingship and Government in Pre-Conquest England c.500-1066 (1999) P. Wormald, Bede, the Bretwaldas and the Origins of the Gens Anglorum, in Ideal and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society: Studies presented to J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, ed. P. Wormald et al. (1983) P. Wormald, The Venerable Bede and the Church of the English, The English Religious Tradition and the Genius of Anglicanism, ed. G. Rowell (1992) B. Yorke, Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England (1990) 1 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 865 2 Bede, Ecclesiastical History, ii, 5 3 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 485, 491, 568, 577, 584 4 Bede, Ecclesiastical History, i, 25; ii, 3; ii, 5 5 Bede, Ecclesiastical History, i, 32 6 Bede, Ecclesiastical History, ii, 5; ii, 9 7 Bede, Ecclesiastical History, ii, 9; iii, 7 8 Bede, Ecclesiastical History, ii, 14 9 Bede, Ecclesiastical History, ii, 16 10 Bede, Ecclesiastical History, v, 23 11 Bede, Ecclesiastical History, iii, 30 12 Eddius, Life of St Wilfred, 20 13 English Historical Documents, i, 67 14 English Historical Documents, i, 76 15 English Historical Documents, i, 77 16 English Historical Documents, i, 80 17 English Historical Documents, i, 85 18 English Historical Documents, i, 87 19 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 829 20 Bede, Ecclesiastical History, ii, 5; iii, 24 21 Eddius, Life of St Wilfred, 20 22 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 829 23 Kirby, The Making of Early England, p 54 24 Adomnan, Life of Columba, i, 1 25 English Historical Documents, i, 177 26 English Historical Documents, i, 178 27 English Historical Documents, i, 191, 198, 210 28 English Historical Documents, i, 204, 205 29 Beowulf, lines 72-3 30 Bede, Letter to Egbert 31 English Historical Documents, i, 165 32 Dumville, The aetheling: a study in Anglo-Saxon constitutional history, p 13 33 Simeon of Durham, Historia Regum, in English Historical Documents, i, 3 34 English Historical Documents, i, 202 35 Kemble, The Saxons in England, volume ii, p 17

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Faulkners A Rose for Emily Essay -- American Literature William Faulk

1. - Theme. 2. - Conflicts, tensions and ambiguity. 3. -Symbolism. 4. - Narrative elements: point of view, tone and narrative structure. 1. - Theme. The main theme of the Faulkner's short story is the relationship between the past and present in Emily Grierson, the protagonist. She did not accept the passage of time throughout all her life, keeping everything she loved in the past with her. The story shows Emily's past and her family story. This information explains her behaviour towards time. Firstly, her father's lack of desire to move on into the future and his old-fashioned ways kept Emily away from the changing society and away from any kind of social relationship: "None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such."(pp. 123). "We remembered all the young men her father had driven away." (pp124) Emily accepted this imposed role as a recluse in her own house and a woman dependent on one male figure, her father. When he died, Emily did not allow taking the corpse to the authorities. She did not want to admit her father's death. After his funeral, Emily kept herself away from changing time in her house until she met Homer Barron. They started to date and she even thought about marriage, but when he tried to leave her, she poisoned him and maintained his dead body for years in order to keep him by her side, away from the passing of time. But at the end, after many years of attempting to defeat time, Miss Emily felt victim of it. She met the same fate as her father and Homer Barron. Throughout the short story "A Rose for Emily", time is a continuous theme represented by the character of Emily Grierson, a product of her own environment, who rejected the time's changes into the future. 2.... ...ver, in the first and fifth sections the chronological order is a complete mess, moving from present to past and vice versa. Finally, to sum up, "A Rose for Emily" is a very complex short story which could be analysed from many different points of view and by different theories of literary criticism. For example, a psychoanalytic analysis would study the mental illness of Emily, or the feminist criticism would analyse how Emily spent all her life depending on male figures. Although, I have chosen the new critical method because it offers a very close analysis of the text and because makes possible the appreciation of the great variety of literary recourses which Faulkner used in "A Rose for Emily". Works Cited Faulkner, William. "A Rose for Emily." Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Ed. X.J. Kennedy. New York: Harpers Collins, 1991.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sustainable Tourism: a Hope or a Necessity?

Sustainable Tourism: A Hope or a Necessity? The Case of Tofino, British Columbia, Canada The purpose of this research was to examine different stakeholder perspectives of tourism in Tofino in order to determine impacts and challenges relating to tourism development and long-term sustainability. This paper seeks to explore the current situation and recommendations for the future development of Tofino through a multi-stakeholder process.It builds upon previous research conducted by Welk (2006) and by Dodds & Basu (2008). The aim of this paper therefore is to examine stakeholder theory and resource dependence theory as it applies to a tourism destination with a key focus on water as it is a vital resource for successful tourism. Additionally the stage of life cycle of the tourism destination as well as the concept of Limits of Acceptable Change is discussed to provide context. 2. 1 Theories: Tools to Manage?Many islands depend heavily on the natural resources of an area and it is these resources authors believe that sustainable tourism is the responsibilify of all stakeholders Stakeholders are defined as any individual or group who can affect the firms' performance or who is affected by the achievement of the organization's objectives (Freeman, 1984). is important to understand the views of stakeholders as they can motivate or impede sustainabilify in organizations. dentified motives and barriers to sustainabilify such as economic considerations, political power and salience, coordination between stakeholders, accountabilify of all stakeholders, lacks of will and integration between govemment bodies (Ioannides, 2001; Dodds, 2007a; 2007b). The life cycle model describes six stages of an evolutionary sequence that a tourist area passes through: exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation and rejuvenation or decline.The life cycle outlines, that as airports, accommodation and other tourist facilities are provided, awareness grows, but visitors wi ll eventually decline as capacify is reached. Each stage is accompanied by changes in the nature and extent of facilities provided and the local/non local provision of these. Limits of Acceptable Change is a management tool for setting limits or managing totirism are assessing carrying capacity, or developing indicators for totirism optimization.Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) attempts to assess stress in both the natural and social and economic environment and to define the maximum degree of change that is tolerable. Tourism Development in Tofino focused on marketing efforts rather than assessing resource or other livelihood issues. From a lifecycle analysis. rapid growth of tourism increased infrastructure in and around Tofino, this has often resulted in negative social and ecological impacts such as the lack of adequate inft-astructure to cope with garbage and sewage, isolation or lack of adequate community facilities and disruption to livelihoods due to the cost of living.In a ddition, according to the provincial govemment, the region has been experiencing drier than normal conditions. lack of water Methodology interviews were held with 38 stakeholders. sampling approach, Findings Economy outside influences (e. g. competition, environment disaster such as a mudslide or road closure due to one road access). Capacity/Infrasfructure promoted without supporting the infrastructure needed for growth. Water, According to the District Treasurer, Sewage. Govemance Development ow tax base that greatly affects the income back for repairing infrastructure Communify Benefits Accessibility to tourist Second Homes accommodations and staff housing. that B&B and second homes are providing tourist accomniodation but not contributing taxes. First Nations Treafy Negotiations Don’t ignore indigenous people Conservation over the increase in garbage bears due to beach areas overflowing with garbage from high use. Effect for nature animals . Transport Labor skilled labor shortage and with the advent of tourism, many staff are unskilled.Low pay. Media could affect its historically good image. Tofino's Future educational initiative was seen by many respondents as innovative, however it should be noted that conservation of water and energy is standard practice year-round in most accommodations worldwide. Change is incremental: Water: response to water shortage rather than standard practice. Some efforts have been made during water shortage to educate the visitor and regular water monitoring. Waste: Recycling efforts are slowly growing although limited.Energy: green building code. solar energy. Most boating operators have made efforts to reduce fuel consumption Local sourcing: nitiative and ‘green breakfast sidents are attending workshops on local food production and food securify. Public transport: Education: negative impacts of development as it has limited natural and social resources . critical stage of its lifecycle. very elements that attrac t tourists are dependent on its natural and build resources. Water shortages, sewage treatment, transport and housing.The media has outlined a number of issues that has drawn a negative. This finding supports recent findings by Dodds and Basu (2008) in that there is no overarching plan for a different model of tourism and no strategies or specific promotion of sustainable tourism practices for visitors or businesses to follow which may help alleviate infrastructure and social pressures. planning and considerations for sustainability First, a cohesive and comprehensive plan, which includes planning for long-term development.Secondly, there is the need to identify and defme Limits of Acceptable Change to govem for the long-term sustainabilify through a Master Plan. Third, Tourism Tofino as the key marketing and promotional agency, and one that represents many tourism business interests, should play a representative role for businesses in the govemance and development of tourism Fourth , there is a need to generate income for infrastmcture and livelihood requirements for the residents Fifth, there is a need to diversify indusfries to attract year round businesses and professionals.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How to Break Up with Your Boyfriend

How to cope with being dumped by your boyfriend â€Å"I pray your brakes go out running down a hill, I pray a flower pot falls from a window sill, and knocks you in the head like I'd like to.. † Pray for you-Jaron and the long road to love. When you have a boyfriend whose cheating on you, you need to take certain steps to ensure that you make him as miserable as he made you. You will need to show him that the break up didn't hurt you (even if it really did), delete his phone number from his contacts and delete him off of facebook, and flirt with other boys and have fun!To show him that you didn't care about the break up call him up some day and ask him to go to lunch or a movie, when he says yes make sure you have enough time to get yourself looking super good before your date. Show up a few minutes late so you can make an entrance and just go in and sit down, after a few minutes of awkward silence say ‘I'm so glad we broke up, I've been seeing this other guy and I think it's going to work out really well, my family loves him. Don't explain any more and get up and walk away. He will be sitting there wondering what the heck he just threw out the window, and you being so happy about it will really hit him where it hurts. When you delete his phone number and delete him from facebook he will no longer be able to ‘check up' on you, which will drive him insane. Go out and have fun with your girls and show him that you're having the time of your life, and he's really missing out on it.If he texts you just reply with a simple â€Å"hey, who is this? † and nothing more, he'll wonder why you deleted his number out of your phone and realize you really are done with him.. Which will really hurt his ego. Flirt alot! if you ever see him out or around school act really playful with all of the guys around you, even his friends, if you have enough courage to do so.If he sits a couple seats behind you in class make a plan with one of your friends to tal k about this new mysterious guy you've been seeing and really make him wonder who it could be, and who could be so much better than he was? â€Å"I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls, I pray you're flying high when your engine stalls, I pray all your dreams, never come true.. † Pray for you -Jaron and the long road to love. So when you get broken up with the next time, and it's really hurting you, try these three easy steps in making it look easy, in the process!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Urbainization

Segregation In Urban Areas Since urbanization began in European cities, there has always been segregation, either by class, socio-economic status, political affiliation, etc. In modern American cities stratification is most heavily linked to class or race. There are many reasons that segregation in cities take place, and we will explore the more prevalent ideas of social stratification. When urban centers in America were beginning to take shape, people moved in droves to these industrial metropolises to find work and success. We studied earlier the effects of this mass immigration to cities and saw the horrid living conditions that people endured to find work. The overcrowding of cities made ghettos obvious and wealth was not directly associated with the masses of people moving in. Through the years, urban areas grew with new suburban towns encircling the city. Wealthier people inhabited these suburban areas with the ability to move in and out of cities at their own will. Cities became a melting pot of cultures in a small area. People of the same ethnic background often moved into neighborhoods in which their own culture was dominant as to fit in and feel more at home. These areas are obvious in places such as Libman 2 Chinatown, or â€Å"Little Italy†. Southie, in Boston is dominated by the working class Irish people that came to the American cities as many others did: looking for work, and the American Dream. These social groupings are one way that cities become segregated. This segregation is not the discriminatory term that we usually attribute to the phrase, but the separation of social groups. â€Å"The city in the 1920’s was often a battleground as various groups within the population struggled for social and cultural authority.† New laws in urban centers gave way to a new cultural group as well: criminals. Organized crime in the 1920’s was widespread; â€Å"In New York, Chicago, Detroit, and other ci... Free Essays on Urbainization Free Essays on Urbainization Segregation In Urban Areas Since urbanization began in European cities, there has always been segregation, either by class, socio-economic status, political affiliation, etc. In modern American cities stratification is most heavily linked to class or race. There are many reasons that segregation in cities take place, and we will explore the more prevalent ideas of social stratification. When urban centers in America were beginning to take shape, people moved in droves to these industrial metropolises to find work and success. We studied earlier the effects of this mass immigration to cities and saw the horrid living conditions that people endured to find work. The overcrowding of cities made ghettos obvious and wealth was not directly associated with the masses of people moving in. Through the years, urban areas grew with new suburban towns encircling the city. Wealthier people inhabited these suburban areas with the ability to move in and out of cities at their own will. Cities became a melting pot of cultures in a small area. People of the same ethnic background often moved into neighborhoods in which their own culture was dominant as to fit in and feel more at home. These areas are obvious in places such as Libman 2 Chinatown, or â€Å"Little Italy†. Southie, in Boston is dominated by the working class Irish people that came to the American cities as many others did: looking for work, and the American Dream. These social groupings are one way that cities become segregated. This segregation is not the discriminatory term that we usually attribute to the phrase, but the separation of social groups. â€Å"The city in the 1920’s was often a battleground as various groups within the population struggled for social and cultural authority.† New laws in urban centers gave way to a new cultural group as well: criminals. Organized crime in the 1920’s was widespread; â€Å"In New York, Chicago, Detroit, and other ci...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Connotation and Denotation - Commonly Confused Words

Connotation and Denotation - Commonly Confused Words The nouns denotation and connotation both have to do with the meanings of words, but denotative meaning isnt quite the same as connotative meaning. Definitions The noun denotation refers to the direct or explicit meaning of a word or phrase - that is, its dictionary definition. Verb: denote. Adjective: denotative.The noun  connotation  refers to the implied meaning or association of a word or phrase apart from the thing it explicitly identifies. A connotation can be positive or negative. Verb:  connote. Adjective:  connotative. It is possible for the connotation and denotation of a word or phrase to be in conflict with each other. Denotation is typically straightforward, while connotations develop in social contexts. The connotation of a word may vary between different groups, eras, or settings, so context is crucial. See the usage notes below. Also see: Choosing the Best Words: Denotations and ConnotationsCommonly Confused Words: Connote and DenoteConnotation  and  DenotationGlossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words Examples and Context The southern accent was the primary identifying mark of the hillbilly; the term has a definite regional connotation. . . .  The term also suggested that those to whom it was applied had a rural origin; this  connotation  persists in later descriptions of the hillbillies. Most important, it had a definite class  connotation.(Lewis M. Killian,  White Southerners, rev. ed. University of Massachusetts Press, 1985)You do realize that saying we need to talk to your girlfriend has ominous  connotations?(Kay Panabaker as Daphne Powell in the television program  No Ordinary Family, 2011)The denotation of a word is its prescribed, dictionary-type definition. For example, the sentence you just read gives you the denotation of the word denotation, because it told you its definition.(David Rush, A Student Guide to Play Analysis. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005) Usage Notes   The Relative Weight of Denotative and Connotative MeaningsIndividual words vary considerably in the relative weight of their denotative and connotative meanings. Most technical terms, for example, have very little connotation. That is their virtue: they denote an entity or concept precisely and unambiguously without the possible confusion engendered by fringe meanings: diode, spinnaker, cosine. We may think of such words as small and compactall nucleus, so to speak. . . .Connotation looms larger than denotation in other cases. Some words have large and diffuse meanings. What matters is their secondary or suggestive meanings, not their relatively unimportant denotations. The expression old-fashioned, for instance, hauls a heavy load of connotations. It denotes belonging to, or characteristic of, the past. But far more important than that central meaning is the connotation, or rather two quite different connotations, that have gathered about the nucleus: (1) valuable, worthy of honor a nd emulation and (2) foolish, ridiculous, out-of-date; to be avoided. With such words the large outer, or connotative, circle is significant; the nucleus small and insignificant.(Thomas S. Kane, The New Oxford Guide to Writing. Oxford University Press, 1988) Connotation and ContextDenotation tends to be described as the  definitional,  literal, obvious or common-sense meaning of a  sign. In the case of linguistic signs, the denotative meaning is what the  dictionary  attempts to provide. . . . The term connotation is used to refer to the socio-cultural and personal associations (ideological, emotional, etc.) of the sign. These are typically related to the interpreters class, age, gender, ethnicity and so on. Connotation is thus  context-dependent.(Daniel Chandler,  Semiotics: The Basics, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2007)ComplicationsThe distinction between denotation and connotation was important in literary criticism and theory from the 1930s to the 1970s. The denotation of a word or phrase is its literal or obvious meaning or reference as specified in a dictionary; the connotations of a word or phrase are the secondary or associated significances that it commonly suggests or implies. This distinction is complicated in practice bec ause many words have more than one denotation and because dictionaries sometimes include definitions of a word based on connotation as well as denotation. E.g., the first set of definitions of the word rose given by the OED tells us that a rose is both a well-known beautiful and fragrant flower and a rose-plant, rose-bush, or rose-tree; in addition, the OED gives a number of allusive, emblematic, or figurative uses (e.g., a bed of roses or under the rose) that reveal the huge store of cultural connotations associated with the flower.(T. Furniss, Connotation and Denotation. The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th ed.. edited by Stephen Cushman et al, Princeton University Press, 2012) Practice   (a) There is a human sense that an agreementalmost any agreementwill bring peace, but also a fear that it will compromise the national sovereignty. Negotiation with another nation may carry the positive _____ of overcoming conflict but also the negative_____ of betraying loyalties.(John H. Barton, The Politics of Peace. Stanford University Press, 1981)(b) The _____ of the word skinny is quite similar in definition to the word slim; however, when students are asked whether they would prefer to be called skinny or slim they usually answer slim.(Vicki L. Cohen and John Edwin Cowen, Literacy for Children in an Information Age: Teaching Reading, Writing, and Thinking. Thomson Wadsworth, 2008) Answers to Practice Exercises below. Answers to Practice Exercises: connotation and denotation (a)  (a) There is a human sense that an agreementalmost any agreementwill bring peace, but also a fear that it will compromise the national sovereignty. Negotiation with another nation may carry the positive connotation  of overcoming conflict but also the negative connotation of betraying loyalties.(John H. Barton,  The Politics of Peace. Stanford University Press, 1981)(b) The denotation of the word skinny is quite similar in definition to the word slim; however, when students are asked whether they would prefer to be called skinny or slim they usually answer slim.(Vicki L. Cohen and John Edwin Cowen, Literacy for Children in an Information Age: Teaching Reading, Writing, and Thinking. Thomson Wadsworth, 2008)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

9 Myths About Learning Italian

9 Myths About Learning Italian Its easy to listen to popular opinions about how difficult it is to learn a language.   But just like any other self-improvement activity or skill (dieting, working out, and sticking to a budget come to mind), you can convince yourself with a multitude of excuses why you cant pronounce Italian words or conjugate Italian verbs  or you can use that time and energy to learn la bella lingua. To help you get over that as quickly as possible, here are ten of the most common myths about learning Italian. Italian is More Difficult to Learn Than English Reality:  Research shows that Italian is  easier to learn English. Beyond the scientific reasons, though, as a child, no one knows any better when learning to speak their native tongue. One way around the frustration when learning Italian is to remember that everyone was a beginner at one time. Children laugh and enjoy speaking and singing nonsense words for the sheer joy of hearing themselves. As the Italian proverb says, Sbagliando simpara - by making mistakes one learns.   I Wont Be Able to Roll My Rs Reality: The fact is, some Italians cannot roll their Rs either. Its called la erre moscia (soft r), its oftentimes a result of a regional accent or dialect and also traditionally associated with upper-class speech. Italians from the north of Italy, especially in the northwest region of Piedmont (close to the French border), are famous for this speech variation - which shouldnt be a surprise, given the influence of the French language on the local dialect. In fact, the linguistic phenomenon is also called la erre alla francese. For those who do want to learn to roll their Rs, try placing your tongue against the roof of your mouth (near the front) and trill your tongue. If all else fails, pretend youre revving up a motorcycle or repeat the following English terms a few times: ladder, pot o tea, or butter There Arent Any Schools Near My Home Reality: Who needs a school? You can study Italian online, listen to a podcast,  listen to Italian audio, or find an Italian pen pal to practice writing. In short, the Internet is a multimedia platform where you can utilize all the elements necessary to learn Italian. Ill Never Use Italian Reality: No matter your motivation for learning Italian, new opportunities can present themselves in ways you cannot imagine initially. Youll make friends when you visit, find a TV show you love, or perhaps, even fall in love yourself. Who knows? Im Too Old to Learn Italian Reality:  People of all ages can learn Italian. To a certain extent, its a question of determination and dedication. So stop procrastinating and start practicing! No One I Know Speaks Italian, So Theres No Opportunity to Practice Reality:  Contact the Italian department at your local college or an Italian American organization since they frequently sponsor wine tastings or other events where participants can meet and mingle to practice Italian. Or join your local Italian Language Meetup group. Organized by, the Italian Language Meetup is a free gathering at a local venue for anyone interested in learning, practicing, or teaching Italian. Native Italians Wont Understand Me Reality:  If you make an effort, chances are theyll parse out what youre saying. Try  Italian hand gestures, too. And if you strike up a conversation, youll be practicing Italian. An important part of learning to speak Italian is building your self-confidence - so the more you try to express yourself, the quicker youll learn the language.   Im Only Visiting Italy for a Short Time, So Why Bother? Reality:  Why bother, indeed? Travelers to Italy will want to learn Italian survival phrases to help them with both the practical (you do want to know where the bathroom is, dont you?) as well as the mundane (i.e.,  how to decipher an Italian menu).   I Have to Use a Textbook to Study Italian, and I  Dont Like Them Reality:  There are  many effective ways to study Italian. Whether its reading an Italian textbook, completing workbook exercises, listening to a tape or CD, or conversing with a native Italian speaker, any method is appropriate.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mill's Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mill's Utilitarianism - Essay Example That is why he tries to show that justice and utility are able not only to coexist, but also cooperate. He points about that a fundamental part of justice is the desire to punish. Indeed, the former notion is often connected to various actions which might have a certain violent aspect, for example, a court ruling is basically a punishment for a person (50). So, he draws a connection between justice and some negative effects that it may have on people. Mill also suggests that justice might be perceived as a form of retaliation or vengeance that is applied to people who violates the rule and regulation which were created by the society (52). In other words, the social environment takes defensive actions in the form of justice in order to punish those how did not follow the conventions and thus became a treat to it. What is more important is that this desire to retaliate is seen by Mill as an essential constituent of a human being. Indeed, it is a part of our nature to hurt those who hurt us (55). He points out that this kind of attitude to others allows people to build a social environment that provided them with security. Nevertheless, in the case of justice this natural desire is conditioned by other characteristic features of a human being, such as intellect and sympathy (11). In other words, when violent actions addressed to those who hurt as go through the prism of intellect and sympathy, they become justice that is being applied to those who should be punished. Finally, the range of people who are likely to experience the consequences of justice is defined by Mill in the following way. On the one hand, this number includes those people who hurt a particular individual (50). For example, a person who commits robbery hurts another person and the latter perceives it is an act of injustice that was directed at him or her personally. In this case the

Overload protection systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Overload protection systems - Essay Example Depending on the type of overload, the appropriate protection systems are chosen and employed is design of machines. For instance, relays, overload release and circuit breakers are used to protect systems against mechanical overload (Bhalja & Maheshwari, 2011). The most common overload protection systems are mechanical and hydraulic overload protection systems. Mechanical overload protection systems are used in mechanical presses; the working principle is based on a delicate shear plate that requires approximately 130% capacity to be broken. When the shear plate is broken, a slide in position has some space of free distance that allows the press to go through a complete stroke. The shear plate is replaced after each case of overload. Hydraulic overload protection systems are more common because the force of the press can be restricted by controlling the hydraulic pressure, and the press can be restarted after an incidence of overload without having to change the plates. Overload prot ection systems (a) mechanical (b) hydraulic (Altan & Tekkaya, 2012). The system consists of an oil pad placed between the slide and the connecting rod to which pressure is applied when force is developing. The pressure from the oil is used to move another piston, which acts to intensify the pressurized air. In case the oil pressure (air pressure) exceeds a threshold value, the oil is sapped back into a tank. Therefore, the force applied is restricted and some space is created for free movement. (Altan & Tekkaya, 2012). a) Torque guard Torque guards are overload protection devices used in power transmission  applications. A spring with a load cam follower placed in a core and detent causes the core and load to rotate jointly. Thus the load always resets in one position and stays in phase when tripped. The system automatically resets when it goes back into the set position after tripping, normally by moving the machine after the overload is cleared. Torque guards assist to protect m echanical systems from damage that may result from extreme torque produced by jamming and overloads. The automatic reset and instant reaction capacity offers consummate guard and reduces down-time. The system disengages at the stipulated torque limit (Grote & Antonsson, 2009). b) Torque limiter A Torque Limiter is a torque overload system consisting of a spring loaded friction style. The load connected to the friction pads is regulated in order to transmit the process torque is transmitted. An overload torque that exceeds the set torque makes the system to slip, preventing overloads from passing through the system. The torque limiter stops slipping when the load drops below the set level, transmitting the torque. In a torque limiter, the phase between input and output is not kept constant. This system can be used in a chain drive with a machined sprocket placed between the friction pads to act as the slip interface so that shutdown and restart is not necessary (Grote & Antonsson, 20 09). Torque limiters are regularly used in applications such as conveyor systems, machine tools, and off-highway mobile equipment. c) Axial guard Axial guards are used in systems where the load acts in the linear rather than revolving direction. This overload protection device provides greatly accurate and repeatable trip point. The point of load set is simply adjusted by rotating a screw. The Axial Guard instantly trips when overload occurs and the tie between the load side and drive side is disengaged. The Axial Guard is reset by a slight push or pull in the reverse direction, allowing production to be revived swiftly and downtime to be reduced (Grote &

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Religious Elements of Christian Traditions and Catholic Sacraments Research Paper

The Religious Elements of Christian Traditions and Catholic Sacraments in Dracula - Research Paper Example The religious significance of the crucifixes and other Christian elements in Dracula reflects the protective power of Christianity against the intervention of the Muslim religion to Europe. According to Fierobe, Dracula is the representative figure of the Ottoman influence on the European continent and his fleeing from the country marks the new stage in the expansion of the Christian religion across Europe. In Dracula we read: â€Å"When the count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat. I drew away and his hand touched the string of beads which held the crucifix. It made an instant change in him, for the fury passed so quickly that I could hardly believe that it was ever there†. The implications of this quotation are two-fold: on the one hand, Stoker once again supports the significance of the Christian symbols against the satanic evil; on the other hand, Dracula reinforces the sense of inevitability in the eternal c onflict between the Islamic and Christian religions. However, whether Dracula really symbolizes the broad fight between the Ottoman Empire and Europe is difficult to define. To a large extent, the claim about the broader religious implications of Dracula’s role in the story is at least ambiguous and doubtful.

Opinion Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Opinion Paper - Essay Example To me, the idea seems to be okay, and I am for the increment in the reimbursements dues to the reasons discussed below. One of the reasons that I see it appropriate for the reimbursements to be increased is to enable both nurses and doctors to acquire the relevant medications and equipments to serve the large numbers of patients. The increase will result in better services being given by the physicians. Increasing the reimbursements may also lead to an increase in the participation of the physicians and the patients access to Medicaid (Bryan, 2004). The reason I prospect this is because most of the physicians have made it clear that caring for those patients who use Medicaid would become an important part of their mission and thereby a campaign for the increment must be carried out. Another reason for the reimbursement increase is to reduce the struggle that the doctors experience while giving their services to the Medicaid population and at the same time keeping their practices financially viable (Herbert, 2012). The main reason why I say this is because, I have had the chance to interact with some nurses and one of them put it clear to me that, they were in a position of accepting more Medicaid patients if they were in a position to afford all what they required finances and facilities and this usually meant an increase in the reimbursements was necessary. To conclude, it is important for the physicians and the nurses to have a clear understanding of the healthcare financial aspects so that they help their clients in understanding the meaning of increasing the existed reimbursements. The financial knowledge affects the nursing care of patients in the health care settings in that, they will have hands-on information on how their funds are used and how an increase in their reimbursements will improve the services offered to them at the hospitals. The responsibility of keeping

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The topic is added to the personalised control panel Essay

The topic is added to the personalised control panel - Essay Example This period in the history of America, during which the practice of bootlegging soared to popularity, is effectively represented in the book The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald. The book helped in effectively portraying the culture that was rampant during that period in history, where people resorted to various illegal activities and which was highly representative of a gradual moral degradation of the American society. The moral decline is depicted by Fitzgerald by the three central characters of the book namely Gatsby, Daisy and Tom. This paper seeks to explore and discuss the concept of bootlegging and its relationship with The Great Gatsby. The concept of Bootlegging is used in reference with the illegal trafficking of liquor in the United States during the early 1920s. The expression Bootlegging was formerly used to illustrate the practice of hiding the containers of illegitimate liquor in boot tops while executing trade deals with the Indians. The concept gained widespread popularity in the 1920s after the consumption; manufacturing or sale of liquor was prohibited by passing of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. Formerly, the bootleggers smuggled imported liquor from the neighboring countries such as Mexico and Canada through ships which were anchored in international waters while various other types such as medicinal whiskey, denatured alcohol, corn liquor were eventually added as part of the trade. The prohibition and the subsequent smuggling of liquor ultimately contributed to the rise of organized – crime groups which managed all the activities associated with purchase, manufacture and sale of illega l liquor in various places of public gatherings such as restaurants and public halls1. Bootlegging became immensely popular and widespread after the eighteenth amendment was added to the Constitution in January 1920, which prohibited the manufacture, transportation, import / export, and sale of intoxicating drinks across the

Discourse community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Discourse community - Essay Example ut Chelsea FC is how they care about their fans and the community and how it is different than a lot of other clubs which only look for winning the league. For example, The Chelsea FC foundation supports children in elementary school by providing them with â€Å"Quality Effort Award†, which is a free program that is meant to be used in classrooms by teachers to motivate their students for their creative thinking and rewarding the children for good performance. Chelsea FC is a big discourse community that shares the same goals and purposes with fans. Swales defines a discourse community as a group of people who communicate with each other by words and conversation to be able to reach their goals that they all share. The discourse community also has their own lexis and they communicate in one language. In Chelsea FC, there are common goals that the whole community shares. The first is winning the premier league, champions league, FA cup and the Capital One Cup. These are some of the goals that the community has and there are also other goals like inspiring children, and making their fans happy. Therefore, I can say that Chelsea FC discourse community shares the same goals. What is special about this club is that the coach of the team who is known to be one of the best coaches in soccer history Jose Morinho placed a rule as soon as he moved to the club that all members of the team including staff and players must discuss after training the issues they should do and fix problems if there are any. Jose Morinho knows how important it is to communicate with the team mates and staff such that he made a rule that whoever is absent or tardy has to pay a fine even if it was the coach himself. Chelsea FC discourse community makes sure to provide most ways possible for people to give them feedback. They use a lot of different ways to receive this feedback for example, Chelsea FC account on Twitter, Chelsea FC T.V, Chelsea FC Facebook and Chelsea FC Instagram account. They

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The topic is added to the personalised control panel Essay

The topic is added to the personalised control panel - Essay Example This period in the history of America, during which the practice of bootlegging soared to popularity, is effectively represented in the book The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald. The book helped in effectively portraying the culture that was rampant during that period in history, where people resorted to various illegal activities and which was highly representative of a gradual moral degradation of the American society. The moral decline is depicted by Fitzgerald by the three central characters of the book namely Gatsby, Daisy and Tom. This paper seeks to explore and discuss the concept of bootlegging and its relationship with The Great Gatsby. The concept of Bootlegging is used in reference with the illegal trafficking of liquor in the United States during the early 1920s. The expression Bootlegging was formerly used to illustrate the practice of hiding the containers of illegitimate liquor in boot tops while executing trade deals with the Indians. The concept gained widespread popularity in the 1920s after the consumption; manufacturing or sale of liquor was prohibited by passing of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. Formerly, the bootleggers smuggled imported liquor from the neighboring countries such as Mexico and Canada through ships which were anchored in international waters while various other types such as medicinal whiskey, denatured alcohol, corn liquor were eventually added as part of the trade. The prohibition and the subsequent smuggling of liquor ultimately contributed to the rise of organized – crime groups which managed all the activities associated with purchase, manufacture and sale of illega l liquor in various places of public gatherings such as restaurants and public halls1. Bootlegging became immensely popular and widespread after the eighteenth amendment was added to the Constitution in January 1920, which prohibited the manufacture, transportation, import / export, and sale of intoxicating drinks across the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Atitudes and perceptions of coaches on disabled people Essay

Atitudes and perceptions of coaches on disabled people - Essay Example iterature Review was conducted using the search engines Infotrac and Science Direct and by reviewing the literature in the libraries of the National Disability Authority (NDA). An internet search was carried out using the search engines, Google Scholar and Ask Jeeves. The paper starts by talking about the difference experiences that people with disability experience, then it goes ahead to touch on their experiences in the world of sports, self esteem issues are also reflected on the literature review and finally the literature review concludes by touching on the social and physical environmental factors that determine how the disabled are treated. The paper ends by analyzing the literature and evaluation of the collected data Study design: the study was a retrogressive form of study that involved looking back at already done research and published material. Systematic approach has been chosen in order to evaluate and critically analyze the attitudes and perceptions of coaches on disabled people. (Mulrow, Cook, & Davidoff, 1997; Murlow, 1994). It was decided due to the opportunity of having many finding together and still being able to evaluate on them. Study procedure: The study was mainly done via desk research, whereby an only the review of literature sources was done. An overview of the methodology is shown below in diagram form. The Literature Review was done using the search engines such as Science Direct and by reviewing the literature in the university library. An internet sources were used whereby search engines, such as Google, and Scholar was involved in the search. The key sentence â€Å"Factors Influencing Perception and attitude of coaches towards disabled people† was used in the different search engines to locate the required material. Several criteria had to be established for the material to qualify in the study; the research material had to be less than ten years old, the material that had content on the perception of disabled sports

Monday, October 14, 2019

Pride and prejudice Coursework Letter Essay Example for Free

Pride and prejudice Coursework Letter Essay Dear Mrs Bennet, I hope that all your family is in good health. I am ashamed to confess that inquiring about your family is not the main reason of writing to you but it is nevertheless a matter which I believe is of great importance to your family. I believe that it is my duty to inform you about the recent events at Hunsford. I am sure that you will be delighted to hear that your daughter Elizabeth had been proposed to by Mr Darcy. However, it is regretful that I must inform you of Lizzys rejection of Mr Darcys marriage proposal. Yesterday in the afternoon, Mr Collins, Elizabeth and I were both invited for tea at Rosings. However Elizabeth could not accompany us because it was clearly evident that she had a migraine. At first Mr Collins was most perturbed by Elizabeths decision not to go to Rosings but I finally encouraged him not to press her anymore seeing that she was really unwell. Yet Mr Collins could not stop to remind her of how displeased Lady Catherine would be. However, on our return I went to check on Elizabeth and I was shocked to see her look paler than ever. She had dark red eyes with puffed up cheeks, as if she had been crying. When I asked her what had happened she burst into tears, and proclaimed that Mr Darcy had visited her in our absence and she then revealed that she had rejected his offer! The reason that Eliza gave for her rejection him was because of his abominable pride and conceited manner. Yet I do believe he sustains all of these ill features. However, on the contrary Mr Darcy is a secure man. His wealth is of immense amount, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½10,000 a year! As we both know, Eliza has previously made mistakes, for example turning down Mr Collins, and now Mr Darcy! She has made some ill decisions in her life and we both know well of her that she can sometimes act foolish. Yet, Eliza is my best friend and so my purpose of writing to you is to ask you to advise your daughter to marry such a man of stature. How many men can she turn down? If she carries on the way she has she will lose a future of security and wealth. Mr Collins and I are financially stable and I am fully secure. Yet, I wish I could say the same for Eliza, if she gets married. Mrs Bennet, it is both familiar to us to get married as soon as possible and grasp every opportunity as it comes. When you are secure then there will be free time to fall in love. But Eliza contradicts these opinions which both to you and myself are so imperative. She wants to marry for love yet this cannot always be the case. She does not want to marry for financial security. Mr Darcy is such a wealthy and well connected man. It is up to you Mrs Bennet to advise your daughter to not regret making dreadful decisions. I thought that I had to write about this as Eliza is my good friend.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Nine Stories :: essays papers

Nine Stories J D Salinger wrote Nine Stories with the same brilliance as Catcher In The Rye. His style is so unique and complex that all of his short stories are truly enjoyable. Two of those stories are ^A perfect day for a bananafish^ and ^For Esme with love and squalor.^ The main characters in both of these stories, Seymour and Sargent X, have served in World War II, and the fighting has taken its toll on them. Their physiological well being was sacrificed and as a result they are no longer the same people they were before. Both feel alienated from the people in their life, the same people they had loved before the war. The isolation the war has caused is carried over into their lives, and it caused these men to search for new forms of comfort and security, in the respective forms of Sybil and Esme. In ^A perfect day for a bananafish,^ Muriel and her husband Seymour have different perspectives of life. Muriel is a carefree and complacent person, while her husband is quite strange and slightly paranoid. His paranoia is illustrated when he looses it in the hotel elevator, ^I have two normal feet and I can^t see the slightest God-damned reason anyone should stare at them.^ Muriel, however, is unacquainted with Seymour^s wild breakdowns. She is rather confident that Seymour is perfectly sane as she reports to her mother on the telephone. Muriel doesn^t know about this side of Seymour because he has become alienated from her after the war. Their personalities don^t match anymore, if they ever did, and he is seeking some sort of understanding that he knows Muriel can not provide. Seymour^s relationship with Sybil is making up for Muriel^s shortcomings. Seymour is looking for the understanding of a child and the love of an adult. He wants someone who will not judge him. He rea! lizes the impossibility of his desires with Sybil when he gets a loud reaction from her after kissing the arch of her foot. Seymour has no one who understands him, which causes his feeling of isolation. He can no longer relate to the world he lives in and with no one to provide comfort and security he is driven to suicide. Sargent X has an interesting relationship with Esme in ^For Esme with love and squalor.^ Esme is quite aware of the horrors of war and says to Sgt. X, ^I hope you return from the war with all your faculties intact.^ Sgt. X in fact would not have returned with all of his faculties intact if it were not for

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Facebook Activity Should NOT Play a Role in Employment Essay -- Social

As if employment isn’t already a topic of importance regardless of personal reason, most issues concerning it, hit close to home. Employment is influenced by many things. Some of the major influences are expected like drug testing and background checks. These have little to no amount of controversy, pending personal issues. Other things are not so anticipated, namely what content is on particular social media websites like Facebook. This exact scenario played out in my life much to my dismay. After I applied, interviewed and accepted a position in the education field, I received a phone call from the employer who informed me that they would no longer offer me the position due to an undisclosed reason. Subsequently, I began an investigation into the reason I lost the opportunity of employment with the school district, only to discover astonishing exploits, the culmination of which resulted in my misfortune. These exploits had originated from a personal conflict between an individual that was my friend on Facebook prior to the dispute. Though I can honestly admit that this altercation got vicious, I never believed it would go as far as it had. This individual took my name and pictures and attached them to messages that I had allegedly sent to her. These messages contained highly inappropriate and threatening material. Then she proceeded to send them to the administration department. One person in the Human Resour ces department came to the decision that even though he didn’t know me, my qualifications, or even if the allegations were true, my personal life and Facebook page disqualified me from employment. Incontestably, I felt this infringed on my constitutional rights, confidentiality, as well as my personal life. Most Ame... ... with job performance, and work time. Without this distinction a mental and physical toll is paid and it comes at a high cost to the motivated. Employment simply should not be based upon a personal social networking website, it is unconstitutional, breaks social expectations of confidentiality, as well as imposes upon personal lives and motivations. Unless contractually bound to obey particular guidelines concerning social media, it should play no role in obtaining or termination of employment. Considering that there was no proof of legitimacy and it did not happen on work property or time, undeniably my claim of hideous encroachment on these Rights and socially accepted standards is correct. This very travesty, lead to the children at that particular school district to potentially have to settle for a person that is less qualified than I for their education.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Animal Histology

Where do granular WBCs come from? Granulopoiesis – formation of granular leukocytes (WBCs) This process occurs in bone marrow along side erythropoiesis with each type (eosinophil, basophil, neutrophil) going through its own pathway. Two processes take place simultaneously: (1) nuclei condense to adult form (bi-lobed, multi-lobed, etc) and (2) the cell begins to synthesize and collect its specific granule population. I. Start with CFU-S WBC 1. Begin with: promyelocyte (big committed stem cell which commits right away to become either a neutrophilic myelocyte, basophilic myelocyte, or eosinophile myeocyte) a.Myelocytes have a begun nuclear changes, possessing a round nucleus or one that is flatten on one side. The cytoplasm shows a minimum of specific granules (eosinophilic or basophilic or azurophilic) 2. Metamyelocyte (MM) b. Metamyelocytes have begun nuclear indentation (horseshoe shaped to mature morphology) and an increase in specific granules 3. Stab Cells ***EXCLUSIVE ONL Y TO NEUTROPHILS*** c. Stab Cells or Band Metamyelocytes are unique to the neutrophil lineage. These cells, approximately the size of mature PMNs have a deep horseshoe or ring-like morphology to their nuclei . Adult Cells final nuclear morphology + specific granules – occur in bone marrow next to developing RBC II. Back in Circulation, last type of WBC: Agranular WBC A. Monocyte a. 2-8% WBC b. LANDMARK: largest circulating WBC 15-20 micron dm (3-4X RBC) c. Nucleus: irregular shaped or horseshoe shape BUT UNLIKE STAB CELLS monocytes are seen in circulation while stab cells are found only in bone marrow d. Precursor to LCT macrophages B. Lymphocyte e. 2nd most common WBC (after neutrophils) 30% WBC f. Dm: 8-10 micron (about a RBC) g.Nucleus fills cell, leaving a royal blue rim of cytoplasm h. Fxn: produce antibodies, secretory cell, has lost of rER, lots of ribosomes, therefore basophilic staining Components of the Circulatory System The circulatory system includes both the blo od vascular system and the lymph vascular system. The blood vascular system includes the heart, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. A. Intro to the System a. Pump = heart; in reality 2 pumps sitting side by side: (1) the pulmonary circuit and (2) the systematic circuit i. ight half of the heart pumps blood into the pulmonary circuit via the pulmonary artery to the lungs and back to the heart via the pulmonary vein ii. left half of heart then pumps the oxygenated blood into the systematic circuit via the Aorta. In the systemic capillaries oxygen and nutrients leave the blood and waste materials (i. e. CO2) picked up and returned to the heart b. Arteries iii. Decrease in size to arterioles iv. Strong-walled tubes and are distribution system; decide who gets how much c. Arterioles terminate in capillaries v.Capillaries are organized in beds vi. Site of exchange between blood and tissue d. Return to heart via venules, then small veins, then veins, and finally the hear t vii. Pulmonary vein enters left heart, vena cava comes to right I. Arteries In general, three types of arteries are found in the body: (1) Elastic Arteries, (2) Muscular Arteries, and (3) Arterioles. All three types are composed of three coats or tunics: (1) tunica intima (inner most), (2) tunica media (middle), and (3) adventitia (outer most). A. Muscular Arteries a. Most common type of artery . Distributing system: where to send blood and controls Blood Pressure (use muscular layer to control lumen size) c. Composition: i. tunica intima: composed of an inner endothelial lining sitting on an elastic lamina ii. tunica media: the thickest layer, is composed of spiral smooth muscle cells held together by elastic fibers and an encircling elastic lamina iii. tunica adventitia: composed of fibroelastic connective tissue, with much of its elastic component contributing to the make up of the elastic lamina surrounding the media. 1.This layer can be as thick as to 2/3 of that of the media 2. Collagen plus biggest ccn of elastin in muscular arteries, gives recoil ability B. Elastic Artery d. Exit vessels of the heart (pulmonary artery and aorta) e. Gives diastolic number of BP f. Composition: iv. Intima: much thicker (20%) due to increased elastin v. Media: MAJOR DIFFERENCE increased amount of elastic fibers arranged in concentric laminae plus some smooth muscle vi. Adventitia: similar to the muscular artery, except being much thinner, less elastin and more collagen to restrict overexpansion C.Arteriole g. Pressure reducers, don’t want blood to come surging into capillaries h. Composition: contain the same three tunicas, but each is greatly reduced. The intima consist of an endothelium on a basement lamina; the media contains only three layers of smooth muscle cells; and the adventitia thin II. Capillaries in the Body Capillaries are the thinnest walled of all the blood vessels and represent the site of gas and nutrient exchange in the systemic circulatory sys tem. A capillary is composed of endothelial cells, surrounded by a basement membrane A. Continuous Cap (Rare) . Part of any time of blood barrier b. At places you don’t want leaks ex brain c. Sealed with zonula occludens (tight jxns) B. Fenestrated Cap (Most common) d. Riddled with pores to allow exchange e. Produces transudate- maintains osmotic homeostasis (composed of water and ions) f. Exudate: what you make when not normal (water, ions, proteins, cells) Note: Exudate = water + ions + proteins + cells = infections III. Venus System (Return to the heart System) A. Venules a. Capillaries plus extra layers of pericytes b. Collecting venule wrapped in CT (T. dventia) c. Pericytes turn to smooth muscle (T. media) B. Veins d. T. intimia: no elastin lamina thus NO RIBBON CANDY e. T media: thin layer of muscle f. T adventia: thickest layer g. Veins carry bad oxygen poor blood, the media and adventitia cells are supplied with a separate vascular system. These vessels are called th e vaso vasorum and are also found in the walls of large arteries (in T. adventia/T media) h. Veins have valves to prevent blood from backflowing i. Leaflet valves- infolding of the tunica intima ii. Abnormal: varicose veins

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Economics Problems

Homework #3: Question 1. Problem and Application 4 on page 285. Please work on a, b, c, d, and e only. That is, ignore f. When you reconstruct the table in your work, please lower the space for Marginal Product and Marginal Cost by a half step. In other words, the first entries of Marginal Product and Marginal Cost should be aligned with the second entries of other columns. (50 points) Table of Costs: WorkerOutputMarginal Product Total CostAverage Total CostMarginal Cost 00–$200———– 12020 300$15. 00$5. 00 25030 400 8 3. 33 39040 500 5. 6 2. 50 412030 600 5 3. 33 514020 700 5 5 615010 800 5. 33 10 71555 900 5. 81 20 A. The table shows the marginal product; marginal product rises at first, but then starts to decline because of diminishing marginal product. B. The table shows the total costs for this scenario. C. Again, the table shows the average total cost. The average total cost will be shaped like a â€Å"U. † The average total cost declines as quantity rises when the quantity is low. When the quantity is high, the average total cost rises. D. The table shows the marginal cost. The marginal cost, like the average total cost, is also â€Å"U† shaped, but unlike the average total cost it rises steeply as the output increases. This is because of diminishing marginal product. E. When the marginal cost is falling, the marginal product is rising and vice versa. Question 2. (20 points) The licorice industry is competitive. Each firm produces 2 million strings of licorice per year. The strings have an average total cost of $0. 20 each, and they sell for $0. 30. a. What is the marginal cost of a string? Marginal cost = Change in total cost/change in quantity .30-. 20=. 0=Change in total cost .10/1=. 10 The marginal cost of one string is $0. 10. b. Is this industry in long-run equilibrium? Why or why not? No. In a long run quilibirum all firms are maximizing profits. No firms have incentive to enter or exit because all firms are earning zero economic profit. The firms in this competitive market are making a profit of $0. 10 on each string of licorice. At this rate there is no long-run equilibrium, but if more firms join this market to get in on some of the profit then there will be a long-run equilibrium; when too many firms join the market the demand goes down. This can cause firms to make zero profit. Question 3. (30 points) Consider the following table. The price of the product is $8. Quatitity Total cost 0. $8 1. 9 2. 10 3. 11 4. 13 5. 19 6. 27 7. 37 a. Calculate profit for each quantity. How much should the firm produce to maximize profit? b. Calculate marginal revenue and marginal cost for each quantity. Graph them. At what quantity do these curves cross? How does this relate to your answer to part (a)? c. Can you tell whether this firm is in a competitive industry? If so, can you tell whether the industry is in a long-run equilibrium?

Sociology and Bathing Suits

April 02, 2013 2. Why are the three girls out of place in the A&P? How do the different persons in the shop react to them? The three girls are out of place in the A&P because they are wearing bathing suits in a town that is five miles away from a beach. The A&P is located in the center of a small town near two banks, a congregational church, the newspaper store, three real-estate offices, and dozen freeloaders tearing up one of the town streets. Many people in the town have never even been to the beach so it is very uncommon to see people walking around in bathing suits.Most women in the town usually wear shirts and shorts when walking outside. The girls are put extremely out of place when choosing to wear the bathing suits. The people at the shop reacted differently when viewing the girls in their bathing suits. The most popular reaction the girls got were from guys. Many of the workers and guys kept staring at the girls since they were young, provocative, and in bathing suits. The other type of reaction the girls got were from â€Å"sheep† and â€Å"houseslaves†. They quickly glanced at the girls and got back to their shopping with shock. They didn’t know if what they saw was real.The girls surprised many of the people at the shop. 3. How does Updike inform us of the difference in social class between the clerk and the girls? What role does this difference play in the events and the meaning of the story? Throughout the story Updike informs us of the difference in social class between the clerk and the girls. Updike illustrates the girls to be confident, independent as well as sexually powerful. On the other hand Updike illustrates the clerk to be immature, and disrespectful. Sammy is viewed to be stuck in the world of A&P, which is filled with rules and regulations.The girls are viewed to be stuck in a world of freedom and choice. At the end of the story the clerk sees how different the girls and him are in social class. He imagines Queen ie with her family drinking cocktail, eating herring snacks with white jackets, and he sees his family drinking lemonade and cheap beer. The difference in social class helps the clerk to realize that there is more to life than being stuck in a shop all his life. Viewing the girls and the type of social class they are in helps the clerk to push forward and do more with his life. His first step in succeeding his new goal is quitting A&P.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Globalization and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Globalization and development - Essay Example For example, the government liberalized agriculture at the margin, such that farmers were only allowed to sell their surplus freely at prices determined by the forces of demand and supply if they met their state obligation. Guthrie attributes the increase in economic growth in China to the process of market reformation in the country. The transition from planned to market economy, lies in the political reforms that have been taking place in the country, from communism to capitalism. However, according to Rodrik, the Republic of China is still mostly communist since the government controls most of the people’s resources. This is however advantageous, as according to both authors, privatization is not necessary in market reformation, though it is advised. Control by the government has ensured a form of direction and regulation in the economy, making it steady. However, the development of China is somewhat of a paradox since economists predict that there will be future consequences to the entire international market. For instance, since it is the most populous country in the world, the fact that its food reserves are inadequate to cope with the rising population will lead to crippling of the grain market by the year 2030. Also, China is the second largest consumer of oil in the world, due to its high demand; the prices of oil have been constantly on the increase creating artificial shortage in the international market (Guthrie, 2006). Developing countries can learn a lot from China, which took 25 years to do what others would have taken 30 years or more. The source of its success according to the two authors is the fact that there has to be government involvement in the process of growth. Countries should not adopt reforms from the Washington Consensus without taking to regard the uniqueness of their own economies (Rodrik, 2007). Those having planned economies should also consider the adaptation of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What is statutory construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What is statutory construction - Essay Example The Right Honourable Kenneth Clarke QC MP, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice made this declaration during his speech at the Dinner for the Judges at the Mansion House. His words sum up the courts’ sentiments when it comes to the issue of statutory interpretation. Apparently, among the powers bestowed by the constitution of the United Kingdom unto the judicial branch, the power to interpret laws is the most difficult which the courts exercise with utmost care and caution. Indeed, when an ambiguous Act of Parliament is brought before the court for interpretation, the court is caught between the crossfire of two opposing parties, each wanting for the law to be interpreted in such a way that would favor their interests. However, unlike regular legal battles where the court’s powers are limited to the application of the laws, in the case of statutory construction, the courts are toeing the line between judicial and legislative powers. There are no clear laws to be applied. The courts first need to ascertain what the law is and then apply it to a case before it. The courts need to fathom the spirit and purpose of the law as the Parliament has intended it to be without asking the legislators what the law means. Rather, the courts rely on established principles in trying to determine the intent of the legislators. In the exercise of its interpretive powers, the courts are governed by established principles of statutory interpretation ... Medical terms must be given and understood within the context of medicine and economic terms must be understood in the same way that economists understand it. The second principle is the pro bono publico. Under this rule, the courts always interpret the law in such a way that it would serve the public good. The courts weigh which of the possible interpretations of a given legislation shall best serve the public good and those that fail this criterion are dismissed. Here, the system of check and balance is at work. When the Parliament passes an ambiguous legislation, the courts ensure that the Acts of Parliament are applied and enforced for the greater and public good. The third principle is called in pari materia. This principle literally translates as â€Å"on the like matter†. This rule is basically used when the purpose of the legislation being construed is ambiguous. Pursuant to this rule, the courts are entitled to seek reference to earlier legislations that deal with sim ilar matters in order to unveil the true nature and purpose of the later Act of Parliament. Another important principle in statutory construction is the mischief rule. This rule is commonly applied to legislations that amend or revise prior Acts of Parliament that have been found to have some defects or mischief. Under this rule, when the curative legislation is written in such a way that its purpose is rendered ambiguous, the courts interpret it as having the intention of curing or removing the defect in the prior legislation. No other interpretation shall be given except that it is intended to cure the defect or mischief of the law stated in its purpose in the first place. The next principle in statutory construction is the literal rule basically mandates the courts to use the literal

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Eczema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Eczema - Essay Example It is worthwhile to give eczema attention because it can affect very young children who can carry the condition until adulthood. Moreover, anyone with chronic and acute eczema could suffer from frequent loss of sleep, loss of self-esteem (especially in children) due to unsightly sores and skin patches, and other stressful effects like loss of employment, difficulty in patient care and high medical costs. There are several causes of eczema, all resulting in the common symptoms of itchiness and rashes. Eczema can be caused by hypersensitivity or allergy to common compounds in the environment (atopic eczema), contact with irritants (irritant contact dermatitis), and contact with allergens (allergic contact dermatitis) (Brown and Reynolds). Understanding the causes of eczema can provide means to relieve symptoms and treat the condition. The most common form of eczema, atopic eczema is a genetic predisposition to become highly sensitized in response to allergens that are common in the environment. In the process, IgE antibodies are produced. Those with atopic eczema are highly sensitive to materials and elements that normally have no effect on most people. The condition afflicts mostly young children who have an increased chance of developing allergic asthma, hay fever and rhinitis later in life. In atopic eczema, itching is the most common manifestation accompanied by scaling and redness in patches of skin, the face included. Some people are mildly affected with only a few areas on their skin that are dry and scaly. Blisters and skin thickening become common in chronic cases (Brown and Reynolds). The prevalence of atopic eczema varies widely worldwide. However, increased prevalence has not been attributed to genetic factors, but more on environmental effects (Brown and Reynolds). Atopic eczema is more common in urban and industrial settings, and in families with higher

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Company profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Company profile - Essay Example developed a sustainability mission, whose success will be measured through customer preference based on the company’s ability to satisfy their expectations of expertise, service, and quality (Ermeleh 1). The company’s vision is to gain recognition as a performance leader in the mechanical and industrial material trading industry, as well as to become a major trading company both locally and internationally via specialized service provision that differentiates their services and products. Additionally, it is also the company’s vision to attain sustainable growth through superior financial performance and industry-leadership in customer satisfaction (Ermeleh 1). The company’s goal is to become the biggest trader in industrial and mechanical materials and accessories in the industry (Ermeleh 1). More importantly, this goal is also tied to the company’s focus on sustainability for continual improvement to make a positive impact for the

Friday, October 4, 2019

Position Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Position Paper - Essay Example Considering the issue, should the use of marijuana as medicine be legalized? The argument has both the pros and cons. Supporters have their viewpoint as marijuana was found to be effective in treating fatally ailing patients. This group encompasses physicians especially those dealing with chronic illness such as AIDS and cancer. The two major groups supporting the legalization of marijuana are Physicians Association for AIDS and National Lymphoma Foundation. Physicians instituted that marijuana was found to stimulate appetite in AIDS patients and thereby providing them confidence to struggle treacherous consequences. Marijuana was also found to be effective in glaucoma patients, cancer cases and other fatal diseases. Marijuana works as a wonder drug for these ailing cases as it encourages lifesaving treatment such as chemotherapy with ease and comfort (Term paper on Legalization Of Marijuana.). On the contrary, the anti-marijuana group such as Drug Enforcement Agency and Police Department present a view that marijuana is a dangerous drug and provides an addiction to the patient, therefore should not be included in the list of prescribed drugs. They portray an analysis where marijuana was found to display harmful effects similar to cocaine and morphine, although to a lesser degree (Term paper on Legalization Of Marijuana.). Even though, two decades of constant research efforts could not substantially establish that marijuana possesses medical significance, moreover, drugs cannot be approved in smoking type. Marijuana displayed some of the harmful consequences in some AIDS patients due to its potential in reducing white blood cells which are the defense cells of human body. Additionally, if marijuana is legalized it is bound to enhance drug offense or in other terms legalization of marijuana is a green signal to the legalization of drug abuse. Considering both the viewpoints, it could be wrapped up that marijuana is a wonder drug for relentlessly ailing cases